AIA Canada is asking for members of the automotive aftermarket to provide feedback on the changes to the Ontario apprenticeship and skilled trades system.
The province recently introduced a bill that calls for sweeping changes to Ontario’s apprenticeship and skilled trades system including the replacement of the College of Trades.
AIA Canada has been actively engaged in the Government of Ontario’s efforts to modernize the province’s apprenticeship and skilled trades system. The association would like to continue this engagement by participating in Phase 2 of government consultations. Phase 2 consultations will engage stakeholders on matters related to classification and training for trades.
If you have feedback to share on any of the questions listed below, please send to erin.chreptyk@aiacanada.com by June 14, 2021.
Feedback will be compiled and submitted as an industry submission.
1. Trade Prescription
When a new trade is prescribed, an apprenticeship training program is established. Government seeks specific feedback on elements that could be part of the eligibility criteria and process for prescription as a skilled trade.
- What criteria should be included in the framework for developing new trades? (for example, industry support for an apprenticeship program, labour market need, existence of the trade in other provinces and territories, etc.)
- Should the same criteria be applied to all sectors? Please explain why or why not (for example, should the criteria take regional differences into account?). Should the criteria be weighed equally?
- What process should the applicant be required to follow, and what should be included in an application package?
- Who should assess the application? Who should have the final decision on whether a new trade will be prescribed or not?
- Who should be consulted to seek input on whether a trade should be prescribed? How should this consultation take place?
- How should overlaps in scopes of practice between a proposed trade and existing trades be considered?
2. Trade De-Prescription
Currently, there are 144 trades over the four trade sectors. Compared to other Canadian jurisdictions, Ontario has the highest number of trades.
Government seeks feedback on what process and criteria should be followed to de-prescribe trades.
- What criteria should be included in the framework for de-prescribing trades? (For example, industry support for an apprenticeship program, labour market demand, existence of the trade in other provinces and territories, etc.)
- Should the criteria be different for compulsory and non-compulsory trades?
- Should there be a periodic review of whether trades are relevant? Who should be involved in the review?
- Who should be consulted to seek input on whether a trade should be de-prescribed? How should this consultation take place?
- What should the wind-down process be for trades that are de-prescribed, and what should be considered?
3. Trade Classification
Prescribed trades are classified as either compulsory or voluntary. Compulsory classification restricts practice of the trade to authorized individuals. Government seeks feedback on the process and criteria for how trades could be classified or reclassified as compulsory or voluntary. Questions:
- What elements do you feel are essential to a compulsory trade compared to a non-compulsory trade?
- Should there be any changes to the current criteria for trade classification reviews set out in O. Reg. 315/18? Are the existing criteria the right criteria? Should they be given different weight? Is there anything missing?
- What role, if any, does risk of harm play in a trade classification/re-classification?
- Should the entire scope of practice for a trade be a criterion for classification or re-classification? Please explain why or why not.
- If the scope of practice for a compulsory trade is expanded after the trade is already compulsory, how should the new elements be considered?
- Under what circumstances/conditions should the government update and evaluate trade classification? What conditions should trigger a trade classification review?
- Should a scope of practice review be a pre-requisite for a trade classification review?
- What role, if any, does the existence of other regulators play in the classification/re-classification process?
4. Opportunities for Initiatives that Complement Training for Tradespeople
Workplaces are being transformed by technology. Apprentices and skilled tradespersons must be prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century labour market and economy. The government seeks feedback on other types of training or skills. Questions:
- What would the relationship be between continuing education and existing apprenticeship programs? How do these complement each other and how do they differ?
- What would be the objective and key success factors for complementary training?
- Describe how formal recognition of complementary training could be beneficial. What are the drawbacks?
- What other kinds of training would assist and complement existing apprenticeship programs? (for example, essential skills, mentorship/train-the-trainer skills, entrepreneurship, diversity/equity/anti-racism training, workplace harassment and discrimination prevention program, etc.)
- Should there be professional development criteria for journeypersons? If so, should there be a difference between these requirements for journeypersons in compulsory vs. non-compulsory trades? Please describe.
- What should the role of industry be in developing, assessing, and measuring complementary training? What other partners should be involved?
To learn more, visit: Skilled trades panel consultations