Featured Articles

Are new vehicle sales an early warning sign for aftermarket?

Are new vehicle sales an early warning sign for aftermarket?

Canadian new vehicle sales may not have an immediate impact on the aftermarket, but the current divergent market may indicate where Canadians’ heads, and wallets, are at in the current economy. While overall new light vehicle sales for the first quarter grew by 15.3%...

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Eccles Auto Service celebrates 40 years

Eccles Auto Service celebrates 40 years

Together Scott and Bruce Eccles have continued to make Eccles Auto Service an example for the industry. Eccles Auto Service in Dundas, Ont., has built a reputation as a leader in the industry and this has continued as founder Bruce Eccles successfully navigated a...

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Advocacy group fighting for access to repair information

Advocacy group fighting for access to repair information

The Canadian Repair Coalition, a right to repair advocacy group, is taking aim at automakers using rising vehicle theft as a tactic to restrict access to repair information. The group is made up of some 200 individuals, businesses, educators and not-for-profit...

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Lordco Auto Parts unveils details for 34th Annual Trade Show

Lordco Auto Parts unveils details for 34th Annual Trade Show

Lordco Auto Parts, Western Canada’s premiere distributor of aftermarket automotive parts and accessories, is proud to announce the details of its highly anticipated 34th Annual Tradeshow. Set against the backdrop of Lordco’s 50th anniversary, this event promises an...

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Aftermarket scan tool verification protocol will curb theft

Aftermarket scan tool verification protocol will curb theft

A new protocol for ensuring only qualified and credentialed automotive service professionals can access vehicle security systems through an aftermarket scan tool is set to launch. The National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF) , which plays a key role in ensuring...

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Canada’s oil change market: How the aftermarket measures up

Canada’s oil change market: How the aftermarket measures up

Independent aftermarket shops in Canada are in a firm second position when it comes overall market share in the Lube, Oil, Filter (LOF) service category, but there's a stark difference in the gap to dealerships. That's according to the JD Power Canada Customer Service...

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DAYCO TIMING CHAIN PRODUCT LINE SUPPORTED BY PREEMINENT WARRANTY AND COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING CONTENT (SPONSORED CONTENT) Dayco has launched more than 100 timing chain kit part numbers to address some of the industry’s key concerns with warranty and installation, with...

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How to find and keep good people

How to find and keep good people

Employee turnover is very expensive, regardless of whether the employee chooses to leave, or you need to ask them to leave. Management is so busy controlling direct costs; they miss the indirect costs. Every time even a moderately competent employee walks out the door...

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