“Canada’s Ozone Layer Protection Awareness Program” CARS OnDemand Training June 3/10 or June 4/11, 2020
Registrations are due by May 15, 2020
As a result of increased participant demand during COVID-19, CARS OnDemand will host additional CFC/HCFC/HFC Certification training online in June 2020.
Recently, the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) in conjunction with Environment Canada, has updated the “CFC/HCFC/HFC Control in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry” Training Program. The Code of Practice which the course is based on has been revised, resulting in this updated course.
The new CARS OnDemand course, titled “Canada’s Ozone Layer Protection Awareness Program“, still provides the same certification required to purchase and handle refrigerants across Canada, frequently knows as ODS (Ozone Depletion Substances) or ODP (Ozone Depletion Prevention) certificates.
CARS presents this newly updated “Canada’s Ozone Layer Protection Awareness Program” training via CARS OnDemand. We will be hosting two groups of this two-part course; June 3/10 at 12pm Eastern or June 4/11 at 5pm Eastern. CARS OnDemand subscribers have the ability to register for this live broadcast training series.
This certification course delivered via CARS OnDemand is hosted by a live instructor at scheduled sessions, allowing participants to phone in with questions during the broadcast. Students receive training over two modules of lessons to write the government’s certification exams directly after the second module.
Participating in Certification Training via CARS OnDemand allows you to take the training in your own shop, without the need to travel to a traditional classroom setting.
Group 1:
Wednesday, June 3, 2020 – 12pm to 3:30pm (Lesson 1)
Wednesday, June 10, 2020 – 12pm to 3:30pm (Lesson 2)
Group 2:
Thursday, June 4, 2020 – 5pm to 8:30pm (Lesson 1)
Thursday, June 11, 2020 – 5pm to 8:30pm (Lesson 2)
Students must attend both modules in either group. Times listed are Eastern. CARS OnDemand students must pre-register for this special course!
Please note: Due to concerns regarding COVID, we realize that some participants who registered for the March/April 2020 session were unable to attend. CARS will be in contact directly with these participants to confirm their status for this session; there is no need to “re-register” for this session if you paid for but missed the March/April 2020 program.
To Register,
1. Contact CARS toll-free at 1-855-813-2101 to register by telephone
2. Download and return the Registration Form (Adobe PDF format).