VL Communications has announced the addition of an integration package that allows Mitchell1 users seamless data sharing between Mitchell1 ProDemand and ShopKey Pro tools and AB Magic Shop Management Software
AB Magic is an “all-in-one” software and offfer MDI (Multiple Document Interface).

Here is a screen shot illustrating the Mitchell1 module integrated into AB Magic workshop management software.
Workshops using AB Magic and Mitchell1 can now benefit from this integration allowing them to transfer the information from “Labour”, “Parts”, “Maintenance” and “Fluids” tabs in their Mitchell1, directly onto the current customer’s estimate in AB Magic software. This integration allows the workshop manager, among other things, to quickly prepare estimates.
Furthermore, it allows workshops to increase their profits by providing the appraiser with an exhaustive list of maintenance work based on industry standards.
AB Magic is available in both official languages, from coast to coast.
This new feature can be found in the 2018.015 version of the downloadable software
For more information, visit www.vlcom.com or call 1-800-268-4044 to get a free demo version.